Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Day

We had a decent snow storm (well, decent for the Willamette Valley anyway) last night and this morning. I let the girls out to mill about the yard this afternoon. Even though they've seen snow before, they weren't too keen on walking around in it.

They did a great job of avoiding the snow, walking along the back edge of the flower bed alongside the house to keep their toes from getting cold.

Once they made it around to the other brick patio, they set to scratching about in the flower bed, and doing whatever it took to avoid setting foot in the funny white stuff.

Once they realized there wasn't going to be much to scratch around in, they bee-lined it for the coop, and huddled up together to keep warm.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

And then there were four...

We were pleasantly surprised to discover four eggs in the nest box from each hen.
All of the girls are now back to earning their keep. Way to go, ladies!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

And she's back!

Patsy has resumed a regular laying schedule! We found her first egg on Sunday, then a second on Tuesday, and a third today.
Looking very forward to scratching "eggs" off our grocery list and just collecting locally once again.